Model 2018 Operations Manual Rev Apr 2020 Page
of 41
until the front panel reset pushbutton is pressed and held for five (5) seconds. At that time five quick confirmation
beeps will be heard, the new settings will be implemented, the monitor will try to return to normal operation, and a
Configuration Change log entry made.
The following configuration settings are monitored: Channel Permissives, Yellow Disable jumpers, Program Card
type, printed circuit board DIP switches and jumpers, Factory Options, Electronic Options set through the
RaeComM software, and Watchdog Disable.
The monitor is configured at the factory during final test. Data set at the factory includes: Model Number, Serial
Number, Manufacture Date, Real Time Clock setting, Support for Flashing Greens, Fast Start-Up, Lower AC
Power Thresholds, LA DOT configuration, NYS DOT configuration, and support for a Diagnostic LCD. The Up
Time Accumulator is initialized to zero prior to final testing. Changes to any of the factory options are logged in
the configuration log.
The monitor has non-volatile memory that can be used to store the following user unit information: 40 character
Location ID, 4 character Unit ID, and 5 character Agency ID. All of these IDs can consist of any alpha-numeric
characters. Upper and lower case characters can be used.
The diodes removed on the Program Card determine permissive (non-conflicting) channels.
Removal of the diode labeled “2-6” would make Channels 2 and 6 permissive with each other. This is a two-way
relationship. If channel 2 is programmed as permissive with channel 6 then channel 6 is automatically permissive
with channel 2. The testing defaults for this feature are determined by the diodes removed on the program card.
Typically no diodes are removed during automated testing.
Test Preformed:
While a channel has a Green or Yellow display active, the channel is tested to see if a non-
permissive channel has a Green or Yellow display active at the same time. If concurrently active conflicting
displays are detected a conflict timer is started. If the conflict goes away, the conflict timer is stopped (it is not
cleared) and a non-conflict timer is started. If the conflict reappears the non-conflict timer is reset to zero and the
conflict timer continues timing from its prior value. If the conflict timer reaches 333 milliseconds or more the
monitor will latch a conflict fault. If the non-conflict timer reaches 666 milliseconds the conflict timer is reset to
zero and the conflict is ignored. The normal voltage thresholds for this test are: Reds – ON when above 70V
and OFF when below 50V
, Greens and Yellows – ON when above 25V
and OFF when below 15V
Fault Action:
The monitor transfers the Output relay contacts to the fault condition, activates the Stop Time
output, and illuminates the
indicator on the front panel. The Signal Sequence log and the Prior Faults
log will record this fault.
Resetting the Fault:
The monitor remains in this fault condition until the unit is reset by the activation of the front
panel reset pushbutton or the activation of the reset input. Power loss or power interruption will not reset this fault.
The Reset log will record the resetting of this fault.
Modifying Inputs:
MC Coil (Relay Output, Side 2)
: If Flashing Don’t Walk Monitoring is enabled and channels have
been programmed as active channels, flashing don’t walk conflict testing will not be performed when
this input is below 50V
and will be performed when this input is above 70V
Feature Interactions:
Yellow Disable Jumpers
: When Yellow Disable is jumpered for a channel that Yellow is removed
from all conflict testing.
Flashing Don’t Walk Monitoring
: When Flashing Don’t Walk Monitoring is enabled and channels
have been programmed as active, a flashing red on a channel with this feature active will be included
in the displays checked for conflicts. A conflict with a flashing red must exist for 1500 milliseconds
to create a conflict fault.
Flashing Yellow Arrow Left Turns
: When Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) Left Turns are enabled and
FYA Ignore Yellow Conflict is enabled and a Channel has an FYA checked as a child channel that
conflicts with this channel, a Yellow in that channel (if it is terminating a Flashing Yellow Arrow) and
a Yellow in the child channel being active at the same time will be ignored as a conflict. Also, if a
display is a Flashing Yellow Arrow it must flash. If it does not flash the monitor will remove the