The Link Budget Calculator
Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.5.30p3
To reinstall the link:
1. Choose a site.
The Configuration dialog box opens.
2. In the Configuration dialog box, click the Install Mode button.
A message box asking if you want to enter install mode appears.
3. Click Yes to continue.
The system enters Install mode and the alignment tone becomes audi-
4. Realign the ODUs and start the Installation wizard (see chapter
The Link Budget Calculator
The Link Budget Calculator is part of the RADWIN Manager software and is
found in the Help menu. This useful utility enables you to calculate the
expected performance of the wireless link and the possible configurations
for a specific link range including antenna size, cable loss and climate condi-
tions. For full details, see appendix
Performance Monitoring
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 Performance Monitoring constantly monitors traf-
fic over the radio link and collects statistics data for the air interface and
Ethernet ports. It does so continuously, even when the RADWIN Manager is
not connected.
Two types of logs are recorded:
• Monitor Log that records statistics on traffic rate and radio signal
• Events Log that records when the rates fall above or below a pre-
defined threshold.
Both the statistics Monitor log and events log can be saved as TXT files.
The Monitor Log
The Monitor Log records performance statistics for predefined intervals. You
can save the monitor log to a text file, as well as display the information in
an on-screen report.
Saving the Monitor Log
You can save the recorded Monitor Log statistics to a text file.
To save the monitor log:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears: