Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Firewall Load Balancing
Configure the Primary Dirty-Side Alteon
The following is an example configuration for a primary dirty-side Alteon.
To configure the primary dirty-side Alteon
1. Configure VLANs on the primary dirty-side Alteon. Two VLANs are required. VLAN 1 includes port
25 for the Internet connection. VLAN 2 includes port 26 for the firewall connection, and port 28
for the interswitch connection.
Port 25 is part of VLAN 1 by default and does not require manual configuration.
2. Configure IP interfaces on the primary dirty-side Alteon.
Three IP interfaces (IFs) are used. IF 1 is on placed on Subnet 1. IF 2 is used for routing traffic
through the top firewall. IF 3 is used for routing traffic through the lower firewall. To avoid
confusion, IF 2 and IF 3 are used in the same way on all Alteons.
By configuring the IP interface mask prior to the IP address, the broadcast address is
calculated. Also, only the first IP interface in a given subnet is given the full subnet range mask.
Subsequent IP interfaces (such as IF 3) are given individual masks.
3. Turn Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) off for the primary dirty-side Alteon.
4. Configure static routes on the primary dirty-side Alteon.
Four static routes are required:
To primary clean-side IF 2 via Firewall 1 using dirty-side IF 2
>> /cfg/l2/vlan 2
>> add 26
>> add 28
>> ena
>> /cfg/l3/if 1
>> mask
>> addr
>> ena
>> /cfg/l3/if 2
>> mask
>> addr
>> vlan 2
>> ena
>> /cfg/l3/if 3
>> mask
>> addr
>> vlan 2
>> ena
>> /cfg/l2/stg #/off