Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Server Load Balancing
To remove the Set-Cookie for a cookie named "Old-Cookie" from all server responses, use the
following configuration:
When you leave the cookie value empty, the cookie is removed.
If you set the cookie value, the cookie is removed only when both the key and value match.
To configure the insert action for cookies
This action inserts the cookie header at the beginning of the header area, after the request line.
When the direction is set to request, the cookie header is modified. When the direction is set to
response, the Set-Cookie header is modified.
The numbers and names in this procedure are examples only.
1. Access HTTP Modification rule list configuration via the Layer 7 menu, enter a rule list ID, and
enable the rule list.
2. Enter rule, the rule ID number, and then enter the desired element type.
>>URL Modification rule-list mylist# cur
Current rule-list: mylist enabled
action remove cookie
direction response
>>Main# /cfg/slb/layer7/httpmod
>>Enter HTTP Modification rule-list id (alphanumeric): http-mod-list
>>HTTP Modification rule-list http-mod-list# ena
>>HTTP Modification rule-list http-mod-list# rule
>>Enter HTTP Modification rule number (1-128):5
>>Element can be one of: url, header, cookie, filetype, statusline, text
>>Enter element to be modified: cookie
>>cookie Modification http-mod-list Rule 5