Enter a value and confirm it by pressing
, then the following
message is displayed: <Put pieces: xx> (where xx – the value
entered before),
Put the declared quantity of pieces on the pan and when the result
is stable (symbol
) confirm it by pressing
The program automatically calculates reference unit mass and
causes starting <
Counting Pieces>.
The total mass of all pieces put on the weight pan cannot be greater
than the weighing range;
The total mass of all pieves put on the weight pan cannot be less than
the value declared in parameter „Minimum reference mass” (see
section 22.8). If the condition above is not fulfilled the scale dispalays
the message <Too low sample mass>;
The mass of one unit may not be less than 0.1 of reading division
of the scale. If this condition is not fulfilled the scale dispalays the
message: <Too low piece mass>.
24.4. Setting the reference mass by entering single piece mass directly
to the database
After selecting a product from the assortment database a mass of single
piece from the field <Mass> is used.
Counting Pieces> press
choose a product and confirm it by pressing
The selected product has to have declared unit mass (single piece mass).
24.5. Inscribing the unit mass to the database
The unit mass can be described a unit mass the following way: