If moisture balance software detects an error a proper error message appears on
the graphic display. The error message contains number of error which informs
about its source.
Error message
Error description
Er1 Hi
Start mass exceeds permissible range (it refers to start
and adjustment – start mass)
Er2 nu
Low limit of converter range exceeded
Er3 Fu
High limit of converter range exceeded
Er4 ro
Value of mass or temperature exceeds permissible range
(it refers to mass or temperature adjustment – final mass
or temperature)
Er5 Ad
A/D converter error
Er6 to
Operation time exceeded (tarring or printing caused by
lack of stability status in set time)
Er7 ou
Inserted value is out of range (reg. setting reference
mass, date, etc.)
Error 1.3 AD Th L
Error 1.3 AD Th H
The value of A/D divisions of the thermometer in the
weighing chamber
= 0 temperature sensor defected, heating of weighing
chamber shall not start, return to weighing mode by
pressing ESC key.
The value of A/D divisions of the thermometer in the
weighing chamber
= 1024 temperature sensor defected heating of weighing
chamber shall not start, return to weighing mode by
pressing ESC key.
Error 1.3 AD Tc L
Error 1.3 AD Tc H
The value of A/D divisions of actuator thermometer = 0
temperature sensor defected, return to weighing mode by
pressing ESC key.
The value of A/D divisions of actuator thermometer =
1024 temperature sensor defected, return to weighing
mode by pressing ESC key.
User manual no.: