©2014 DEKIST Co., Ltd. Rev. 1.2
UA10 / UA11
Real Time USB Temp/RH Transmitter
Temp / RH
T Type Thermocouple 2CH
K Type Thermocouple 2CH
32CH Data Logging SW (Tapaculo Lite)
High Accuracy Humidity Sensor
5V USB Power Source
Product Overview
UA10/UA11 is designed to measure
temperature and humidity and send these data
to PC in real time. All the required sensors are
included in the box or in product itself. In case
of T or K type product, It has two channel input
port for thermocouple sensor. One is included
in the box..
In Operating Software (MS Windows) will
detect UA10, UA11 device as a COM port.
The given bundle software, Tapaculo Lite
support 16 devices connected to USB or
network. This means up to 32 CH data can
be monitored in Tapaculo Lite.
Application Block Diagram
• USB Data Logger
•Contact/Contactless Temp Sensor
•Relative Humidity Sensor
Where to Use
• Food Storage
• Bio Technology Lab.
• Pharmacy Ware House
• LCD/Semiconductor Fab.
Order Number
Terminal for UA11 device