32206C 3/97
D9210B Operation & Installation Manual
© 1997 Radionics
Page 6
Materials Included
Radionics ships the D9210B Access Control Interface module pre-assembled
from the factory with a power supply, in its own can, or as a unit less can. You
will receive the following parts with your package depending upon what model is
ordered, (see Ordered separately).
D136 removable relay mounted on the board.
Battery Leads (for the D9210BLC).
1/2 watt end of line resistor.
Literature Pack containing: D9210B Operation and Installation Manual,
D9210 Program Entry Guide, ACCESS Program Record Sheet, and Power
Supply Installation Instructions.
Hardware pack containing: three #6x3/8 self-tapping sheet metal screws to
secure the module on the mounting skirt or the enclosure. Two strain relief
cable ties.
Ordered Separately
The D9210B Door Controller can be used with the Radionics D7412 (supports 2
doors) or D9412 (supports 8 doors) Control/Communicator security panels and
associated control keypads and access control readers. Following are the
available options.
D9210BLC: The D9210BLC (up to 4) can be installed in the same enclosure
as the control panel using the mounting screws and fasteners. Two additional
modules can be mounted using the D136 brackets. Radionics recommends
that you use a separate power supply for the D9210Bs to isolate them from
other SDI devices.
D9210BC: The D9210BC is a complete unit mounted on a mounting skirt,
(D9201M) with a switchable 12/24 VDC (500-1500 mA) power supply, 24
VAC/40 VA fused transformer, and (1) D9210B. It can be installed with
another D9210BLC in a single D8103, D8109 or D8108A enclosure.
D9210B: The D9210B is mounted in a 5
enclosure and can be
mounted as a standalone unit in the field.
Compatible Readers: Readers are not shipped with the unit (see Table 3).
Listings and Approval Information
Underwriters Laboratories (UL). The D9210B, when used with the D7412 or
D9412 panels, is listed by UL for use as part of an Access Control System;
Local, Police-Connect, Central Station, or Proprietary Burglar Alarm System; and
a Commercial Fire Alarm System. In addition to the manual, refer to the
D7412/D9412 installation documentation regarding Burglar Alarm Grades and
Fire Alarm services supported. The D9210B is a Signaling Device Subassembly
also suitable as a Burglar Alarm Unit Accessory Subassembly and Access
Control Unit Subassembly.
Other Listings and Approvals. FCC 15B, CSFM (highrise)