RadioLink Electronic Limited
the trigger switch reach the point value you have set that trigger the LEDs off.
Off till triggered to on: the LEDs will keep off till the trigger switch reach the point value you
have set that trigger the LEDs turn on. The LEDs will keep on until you trigger the LED to off.
On till triggered to off: the LEDs will keep on till the trigger switch reach the point value you
have set that trigger the LEDs turn off.
Cycle speed: When "Operation mode" is set to "Flash", the "Cycle speed" can be set to
change the LEDs’ flash speed. It defaults 50, 1 to 100 can be selected, the smaller the value, the
faster the LEDs flash.
Point1/2: beside make the trigger switch reach the point value you have set (the point value
set below the Trigger mode), point 1 and point2 below the “Cycle speed” must set to trigger
the LEDs operation. The value of Point1 is default 0 and the value of Point2 is default 100, the
absolute value of Point1 plus the absolute value of Point2 do not less than 95. The details value
must depend on your LEDs.
Setting steps: turn on the RC8X into home page, click the button
at the left bottom of
RC8X into System menu, click
into Mixing menu, click the blue select box named CPS
mixing into the menu to set it.
2.6.7 Tank mixing
This function is intended for vehicles such as tanks, etc. It can be used for the pivotal turn or
the ultra-pivotal brake turn by operating the steering and the throttle.
Mixing: The button at the right of “Mixing” is OFF, and the background color of the select
box is grey, indicating that the Tank mixing function is turn off. The button at the right of