RadioLink Electronic Ltd
Comparing with Stabilize Mode, the Alt-Hold Mode is easier to control because the aircraft will remain at a
certain height if the throttle stick is at the central point after pilots toggle it over to lift. And they only need to
toggle the rolling/pitching stick to make the aircraft move (forward/backward/left/right), which is easier for
beginners to practice.
Flight controller takes the test result made by barometric altimeter as the height base. If the
pressure changes, the height could possibly be incorrect, which is not the actual height. Unless the ultrasonic
module is installed to detect the distance and the flight height is less than 20 feet. Ultrasonic sensor can detect
flight height more accurately if less than 26 feet.
Stick Operation at Alt-Hold Mode
Throttle stick is to control the rising and descending velocity of the aircraft.
Aircraft remains the height when the throttle is held at middle point (between 40%-60%)
If the throttle is toggled out of this range, the aircraft will be up or down to varying degrees. The max
distance of rising or descending is 2.5m/s.
Take-off at Alt-Hold Mode
At Alt-Hold Mode, only the throttle stick is pushed over the central point can the aircraft be lifted. When the
aircraft reaches certain height, toggle the throttle stick back at the middle, it will remain at the same altitude.
Landing at Alt-Hold Mode
At Alt-Hold Mode, toggle the throttle slowly to the bottom to land the aircraft. Once landed, the motors
won’t stop immediately. If pilots disarm the aircraft immediately by pulling the throttle stick to the bottom outside
corner, the aircraft will possibly roll over. It’s better to wait for 10 more seconds till the aircraft detects landing
and the motors stop completely to lock. Pos-Hold Mode
At Pos-Hold Mode, the aircraft will automatically keep current position, direction and altitude. That is, the
aircraft will remain the same position if pilots don’t toggle sticks. But they can still take rolling and pitching stick
to make the aircraft move forward/backward/left/right, as the other flight modes.
To realize the good performance of Pos-Hold mode, the GPS, satellite searching, low disturbance
of electromagnetism and low vibration are all very important factors.
When using the Pos-Hold Mode or RTL Mode, pilots have better to wait for 1 minute until the satellite
searching of GPS reaches 14 stars or above after powering on the aircraft and the modes will work better. The
satellite searching depends on the actual weather and landform.
When at Pos-Hold Mode, the aircraft can’t be armed if the satellites are less than 9 stars or the
accuracy is more than 1.2 meters. RTL Mode
When change to RTL mode, the aircraft will return to the place where it initially took off. By default, aircraft
will firstly fly up to the height of at least 15m before returning. Or, if the aircraft is higher than 15m when RTL
Mode is on, it will decrease to the height of 15m then return. If pilots enjoy the flight around the obstacles that
higher than 15m, make sure to set up the RTL height in Mission Planner. The detailed setup steps please refer
to instruction manual of RadioLink Mini Pix downloaded via