RadioLink Electronic Ltd
At the Alt-hold Mode, the aircraft cannot take off until the throttle is moved over the central point. When the
aircraft rises to a certain height, it will remain at this altitude if the throttle is back to the central point.
2.1.3 Flight Modes Introduction
F450 has four flight modes by default: Stabilize Mode, Alt-Hold Mode, Pos-Hold Mode and RTL Mode.
In Chapter 2.1.1 Basic Operation of the Transmitter, the functions of auxiliary channels were mentioned.
One of those is to switch the flight mode.
For T8FB,the 3-way switch (SWB on the right) by default, UP is Stabilize Mode, MID is Alt-Hold Mode,
DWN is Pos-Hold Mode while CH2 (SWA on the left) DWN is RTL Mode.
For AT9S, the 3-way switch (SWC on the right) by default, UP is Stabilize Mode, MID is Alt-Hold Mode,
DWN is Pos-Hold Mode while CH2 (SWD on the left) DWN is RTL Mode. Stabilize Mode
Pilots use rolling and pitching to control the inclination angle of the aircraft. When the roll/pitch stick is
loose, the aircraft will be automatically back to horizontal status. With the windy weather, pilots need to
continuously correct the rolling and pitching angle to keep the aircraft at the same position.
Pilots use the rudder stick to control the turning velocity. When the rudder stick is loose, the aircraft
will keep the direction.
Pilots use throttle to control the average rotation rate of the motors and need to continuously toggle
the throttle to remain the aircraft at the certain height. The throttle input will automatically change according to
the aircraft inclination to cohere with height change brought by the aircraft inclination, eg. If the inclination angle
is too big, it will automatically increase. Alt-Hold Mode
At Alt-Hold Mode, flight controller will automatically control the throttle to remain the height. The operations
of rolling, pitching and rudder are to directly control the turning angle and direction of the aircraft, same as
Stabilize Mode.
Stabilize M.
Alt-Hold M.
Pos-Hold M
Stabilize M.
Alt-Hold M.
Pos-Hold M