© 2020 Radiodetection Ltd
In Peak+ mode the following indicators are displayed by
the LCD:
Right and left arrows
Signal strength
To select Peak+ mode:
1 Press the
key until the Peak+ mode icon
displayed on the LCD
Guidance mode
Guidance mode offers good performance in distorted
fields and provides three indicators to guide the user
towards the target line.
The Left and Right Proportional Arrows become shorter
as the locator approaches the target, and the Target
Position Needle will move towards its central position.
The Signal Strength reading will also reach its maximum
value when the locator is positioned above the target.
Any deviation from all three indicators showing the target
position in the same location could signal the presence
of a distorted field.
In Guidance mode the following indicators are displayed:
Proportional left and right arrows
Target Position Needle
Signal strength
To select Guidance mode:
1 Press the
key until the Guidance mode icon
is displayed on the LCD
Broad Peak mode
In Broad Peak mode, the RD8200 locator uses a single
antenna to detect with higher sensitivity over a wider
area than Peak mode. This is particularly useful for
locating deep utilities quickly and indiscriminately. In
Broad Peak mode the following indicators are displayed
by the LCD:
Signal strength
To select Broad Peak mode:
1 Press the
key until the Broad Peak mode
is displayed on the LCD.
Null mode
Null mode is used to verify a locate signal in
environments with limited or no interference or distortion.
Null mode gives a null response when it is directly over
the line.
In Null mode the following indicators are displayed by the
Signal strength.
Right and left arrows.
To select null mode:
1 Press the
key until the null mode icon
displayed on the LCD
The sharp, null response can be easier to use than the
Peak response but is vulnerable to interference and
should not be used for locating, except in areas where
there is no interference present.
Guidance Mode offers improved performance in such
conditions while Peak+ mode can combine the Peak
bargraph with Guidance arrows to combine fast and
accurate locate tools.
5.4 Compass
The LCD compass provides a visual indication of the
direction of the target cable, pipe or sonde. The compass
is available for all frequencies apart from Power, Radio
and Passive.
5.5 Trace
Line tracing can be accelerated by switching the locator
to Guidance mode.
Move the locator left and right while walking along the
path of the line to place the target position Needle
directly over the line. As you move the locator over the
line, the left and right arrows (and an accompanying
tone) will indicate if the target line is to the left or right of
the locator.
5.6 Pinpoint
Locating a target line in Peak, or Peak+, mode
accurately defines the position of a target line after it has
been traced and its position is approximately known.
Start with medium output power from the transmitter,
medium frequency on the transmitter and locator, and
Peak or Peak+ mode on the locator.