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OWNER’S MANUAL — Please read before using this equipment.
Handsfree Speakerphone Kit for Sanyo
Your RadioShack Handsfree Speakerphone Kit is easy to use.
It turns your cellular or PCS phone into a speakerphone in your
car or truck. Just plug it into any standard (negative ground)
12-volt power source, such as a cigarette-lighter socket, con-
nect it to your phone, plug in the microphone, and it is ready to
use. It even automatically recharges the phone’s battery.
Warning: Always wear your seat belt. Never place a phone
where it could damage or interfere with the operation of any
passive safety device (airbags or seat belts).
For safety and the best performance, hold your phone
upright with a dash-mounted phone holder, available at
your local RadioShack store
• To avoid lockup of the speakerphone system, always dis-
connect the speakerphone kit from power before starting
your vehicle.