Field Finder
Field Finder
© Enviromentor AB 1998 reg. 98.011/Eng
Measuring magnetic fields
Start up the instrument with the switch. The in-
strument always starts in magnetic field mode
and displays the magnetic field’s effective va-
lue in
T. This value is updated at 1 second in-
tervals. Field Finder can be pointed in any di-
rection in relation to the magnetic field source
as it has a three-dimensional sensor.
Measuring electric fields
Start up the instrument with the switch. Change
the measurement function by pressing the E-key
once. Hold the instrument in the required direc-
tion. The instrument now measures the electric
field in the direction in which it is currently
pointing, and displays the effective value in V/m.
The reading is updated at 1 second intervals.
Note that the field can be influenced by objects
in the vicinity of the instrument, as well as by the
person holding it. The instrument has to be held
still in order to achieve a stable value. When me-
asuring electric fields from pieces of apparatus,
the instrument should be earthed. Connect the
accompanying earth cable to the output.
The instrument can also be used without con-
necting the earth cable. In this event, hold your
finger against the earth output on the left side
of the instrument. The fields you then measure
are those which the user of the piece of equip-
ment is exposed to when working. These fields
are dependent on the user’s and the sources’
connection to each other and to earth.
Audible signal
The audible signal can be turned on or off by
pressing down both the function keys at the
same time.
Measuring magnetic fields.
Measuring electric fields.
eport 9
8:1A, Field Finder © EnviroM
entor AB, G
othenburg, S
Sketch of the room with measurement points marked.
Report form A for measuring electric fields in a room