Field Finder
Field Finder
© Enviromentor AB 1998 reg. 98.011/Eng
Thank you for buying a Field Finder from
EnviroMentor AB.
The equipment comprises:
• Field Finder electric/magnetic field meter
• User instructions
• Case
• Calibration document
• Earth cable
• Earth cable contact
• CE certificate
Field Finder measures electric or magnetic al-
ternating fields and presents the reading on an
LCD. The reading is updated every second. The
instrument emits an audible signal that is pro-
portional to the field strength measured.
Field Finder measures the electric field in the
direction of the measurement surface on the
instrument’s front short side.
Field Finder measures an RMS value of the
magnetic field in the X, Y and Z directions, ir-
respective of the direction in which the instrument
is pointing in relation to the magnetic field.
You can use Field Finder whenever you want to
measure electric fields, such as from electrical
installations, power cables, VDUs, computers
and other electrical equipment in the office, in-
dustrial and home environments.
Field Finder.