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TC-800 | TC-1100 Radar Speed Sign Installation Manual MN0035 v23.02
Best Practices Prior to Radar Speed Sign Installation
Our signs are designed to be water resistant when vertically installed and mounted properly on an approved pole
or mounting surface.
Prior to installation the sign should be stored inside in a cool, dry place.
Do not store the sign outside.
Do not store the sign in a horizontal position. Storing the radar speed sign horizontally outside where it is
exposed to the weather
voids the warranty
Do not leave the sign in a truck bed or laying on the ground.
Do not drop the sign.
Do not leave the sign in storage for months. The batteries will naturally discharge and will damage the batteries.
Do not leave the battery jumpers connected for more than 24 hours without having the solar panel connected.
Best Practices for Radar Speed Sign Installation
These guidelines and recommendations provide the best practices for radar speed sign installation to
assure successful, accurate and effective traffic calming.
The radar speed sign should be installed no more than 5 feet from the road curb. Signs place more than 5 feet
from the road will take the eyes of the driver an unsafe distance from the roadway and will result in displayed
speeds that are LOWER than the actual speed.
Do not install the radar speed sign in a curve or after a curve. The sign should be installed in the straight away of the
road. A radar speed signal cannot “curve” with the road, and will not display speeds with enough time for
drivers to see the alert and adjust their speed.
Sign is more than
5 feet from the
side of the road.
Sign is within
5 feet from the
side of the road.