When automatic definition of SSID is enabled, the SSID contains unit Serial number.
WiFi AP SSID. When entered manually, it must follow SSID naming conventions.
List box {802.11g; 802.11g }, default = "802.11g "
WiFi AP mode.
Selected WiFi channel.
List box {Off; WPA2-PSK}, default = “Off”
It is a good practice to use WPA2-PSK secured connection together with a strong password. It is
highly recommended in case of permanent WiFi adapter installation. Time
Unit Event time stamps, unit Statistics records and unit internal logs are using Unit time. It is good
practice to keep the Unit time synchronized to ease unit and network diagnostics.
Unit time can be setup manually or it can be synchronized with an NTP server. NTP server synchron-
ization is recommended.
The unit itself serves as an NTP server providing the time synchronization to another IP clients. If no
NTP server is defined or no one is available, the unit runs in an “orphan” mode. The unit internal NTP
server Stratum is set to 8 in this case. If the unit is synchronized with an NTP server, the unit NTP
server Stratum is set a 1 higher comparing to Stratum of the NTP server providing the time synchron-
ization to the unit.
If the unit is synchronized to a time source and the unit (synchronized) time differs from the unit RTC
time (by more than 8 seconds), the RTC time is updated.
Each unit can serve as NTP server for further IP equipment, this functionality is always on.
© RACOM s.r.o. – RipEX2 Radio modem & Router