IQ3 Street Logger Dash Installation Manual
Dash Info Tab
The Dash Info contains setup parameters specific to the dash.
Locate the Custom Programming Options area. This is found
on the left side of the page.
To change any of the following parameters, place the mouse
cursor on the desired text line and left click. This will activate
the input box for the particular setting to the right of the
selected text line. Changes are entered in the input box and
then sent to the dash via the SEND Configuration button as
found in the lower right corner of the open window.
In most instances, these settings are also accessed by the external programming buttons
Maximum Number of Recording VNET Channels allowed
By default, the IQ3 Street Logger Dash comes with six (6) additional recording VNET channels. This is in
addition to the hardwired channels that come with the dash like Engine RPM, Oil PSI, etc. Also listed in this
dialog are Number of Recording VNET Channels Connected, Number of EGT Channels Connected and
Number of Non-Recording VNET Channels Connected. If additional VNET channels are desired, please
contact Rcaepak’s sales and tech department at 949-709-5555 to purchase a VNET Channel Upgrade.
Record Enable Channel
Used to set channel to activate recording. From the factory, this is set to x0 (Disabled), meaning that the
IQ3 Street Logger Dash is programmed to start logging if either pushbutton is held for at least 5 seconds
and stops logging when power is switched off on the dash. Additional recording parameters including
Start/Stop recording channel values, Number of Seconds to Continue Recording and Max Number of
Seconds to Record can also be viewed and modified beneath this option.
ECU Type
Used to enable the ECU input, this selection will need to be enabled by selecting the appropriate
ECU, from the ECU Type dropdown box. This setting can also be changed via Setup Mode 1 using
the external programming buttons.
Turn Signal Input Off Delay
This setting controls that amount of time, in milliseconds, that the turn signal indicator is turned off when
power is removed from the input wire controlling that indicator. Depending on the vehicle, this value may
need to be changed.
Odometer Input Channel
If you would like to enable the odometer function, you must first define the speed channel used to
calculate the distance traveled. If utilizing a GPS module for speed input, you must remember that the
odometer will only be functional when the IQ3 Street Logger Dash has acquired three or more satellites.