Requirements for Clamping Panels
No panel material may be clamped via the vacuum clamping device if the red warning lamp (
) on the con-
trol cabinet lights up (insufficient vacuum).
Panel material that cannot be held securely by the vacuum suction pads because the surface is too rough,
porous or permeable to air (e.g. MDF panels) must not be clamped, lifted or transported with the Mobile
Lifter. The vacuum pump is not suitable for the above mentioned surfaces!
Increased risk of injury when clamping, lifting and transporting unsuitable material!
To avoid non-uniform load distribution, a panel to be clamped should always be aligned as centrically as
possible to the 6 vacuum pads before it is clamped via vacuum. Details on optimal load distribution can be
found in
Figure 1 in the section
Clamping Panel Material
Caution! Danger of crushing hands and fingers between the vacuum pad and the panel to be
clamped. Do not reach into this danger area and wear protective gloves if necessary.
Danger of cutting and abrasion from sharp-edged plates. Be careful with sharp-edged plates
and wear protective gloves if necessary..
Risk of injury from falling panel material! Work may only be started when the red warning lamp
(10) is off! Only then is there sufficient vacuum for safe clamping of the panel by means of the
vacuum clamping device.
Figure 18: Vacuum pad clamping side
Before clamping, thoroughly clean the contact surfaces of the six vac-
uum pads (
) as well as the surface of the plate to be clamped from
chips, dust and dirt. Only then is an optimal adhesive surface guaran-
teed and no dirt is sucked into the pump. The contact surfaces of the
vacuum pads and the plate must also be dry.
Each of the six vacuum pads (
) is equipped with a sensing valve (
which triggers and switches on the vacuum by contact with the panel.
Position the six vacuum pads slowly and simultaneously against the
panel surface
The vacuum is only triggered after the valves (V) have
been pressed inwards by the plate approx. 2 - 3 mm.
The ingress of chips, dust, dirt and liquids can damage or
destroy the vacuum pump!
Make absolutely sure that all vacuum pads are firmly and securely seated before lifting the panel
or moving it to another location
Make absolutely sure that all vacuum pads are firmly and securely seated
before lifting the panel or moving it to another location. The red warning lamp must be off!
Dirty, wet and damp contact surfaces or vacuum pads that are not firmly adhered to the plate
lead to a reduction of the operating vacuum
The red warning lamp lights up.
Loosen a clamped Panel
Position the plate with the surface or edge to be set down as close as possible to the parking surface on which
the plate is to be placed or set down (e.g. machine table top or workshop floor).
Before loosening a clamped plate, any dirt, chips, dust etc. around the vacuum pads must be removed (still
under operating vacuum) so that nothing of it gets into the inside of the pump. We recommend using an
industrial hoover for this purpose.
Then press button (
) on the remote control twice within 1 second and press button (
) once within the next
second to release the plate.
Danger of crushing when setting resp. putting down! The panel falls down immediately! Keep
hands, body parts and persons out of the danger zone between the panel and the parking surface!