391 West Water St.
Taunton, MA 02780
Mini Split 12” Stand - Wide Installation:
(Please adhere to all local laws and building codes)
Model#: (QSMS1201)
Step #1: Remove U-Bar Frames (2 -
Parts of MS107) from box and stand in
Step #2: Remove Spacer Bar & Saddle
(2 - Parts of MS109) and attach on top
of U-Bar Frames to connect the 2
frames together.
Step #3: Measure the distance between
foot slots on your Mini-Split Condensing
Unit and position Spacer Bars & Saddle
the same distance apart.
Step #4: Place Mini-Split Stand in place
for installation. It is recommended to
use a plastic, cement or other base to
stabilize your overall installation. This
model will fit on a 24” wide base.
Step #5: Place Mini-Split Condensing
Unit on Stand and line-up foot slots with
openings in the Spacer Bar & Saddle.
Step #6: Secure Mini-Split Condensing
Unit to Stand with galvanized hardware
and Anti-Vibration Washers included in
box (Pink & Yellow Labeled Bags).
Step #7: Once Mini-Split Condensing
Unit is secured with enclosed hardware,
secure Spacer Bars & Saddle to the U-
Bar Frame with stainless steel self-
drilling Tech Screws (Tan Labeled Bag).
Step #8: Your Mini-Split Condensing
Unit is now ready for connection to
plumbing and electrical installation
Photo #1
(On left)
12” Stand
(Wide) with
Unit. Will fit
on 24”
wide pad.
Photo #2
(On left)
12” Stand
(side view)
to stand.
Photo #3
(On left)
12” Stand.
Close-up of
Spacer Bar
w Saddle
Please see important “Safe Install” information on back page.