6000 Series
User Manual
User Manual
Q-Tech Commercial Series
QTA 6060M/6120M/6250M
The diagram below shows a typical small House
of Worship audio system . This system utilizes four
microphones, one for the Pulpit and three on the
choir . A Master volume control (Quest VC - 10K) is
connected to the “VCA” terminals for overall level
control . For background music, a CD player’s audio
outputs are connected to Input 6, and a recording
device (cassette recorder or computer’s audio input) is
connected to the Tape Out jacks . For system tuning, a
1/3rd octave graphic EQ is connected to the Pre Out/
Pwr In jacks . For the “cry room” an 8 Ohm speaker is
connected to the Zone 2 “1W 8” output .
Dipswitch Settings
Dipswitch “A” 1-6 All Off
Dipswitch “B” 1-8
Switch 1 - 300mV
Switch 2 - “Not Used”
Switch 3 - “Mic”
Switch 4 - “Mic”
Switch 5 - “Mic”
Switch 6 - “Mic”
Switch 7 - Will depend on type of
microphones used
Switch 8 - Master
Example 3
Example 3 - Small House of Worship