Rev 1. 1 05/08/19
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MP2 User Guide
Email Dispatch
Click on the Email Dispatch expand icon to display the settings for creating email distribution. The Email
server settings must be configured in order for emails alarming to occur (See section 8.1.8). The MP2
supports nine email addresses for sending alarms. Enter the users email address or distribution list
address to be used. The subject field allows for a custom message to be included with the email. The
system will create a subject line with the severity of the alarm followed by the text entered in the
subject field. The last column allows for filtering of what type of alarms to be sent. The system will
automatically send a clear email when the alarm condition clears. For example, if only Critical alarms
are sent via email then the Clear for those critical alarms will be sent.
Figure 34 - Email alarm dispatch
Press the Save Settings button at the bottom of the page when completed. This will save any changes
made to the email dispatch and changes made to the SNMP dispatch.
Test Alarms
button at the bottom of the page will cause a test trap to be sent to all the
defined destinations along with a test email to the defined recipients. The Test alarm will have a critical
severity with all the data fields showing TEST ALARM. The critical alarm will be followed by a clear alarm
again with all the data fields showing TEST ALARM.