M50 Hardware Design
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Coin-type rechargeable capacitor such as XH414H-IV01E from Seiko can be used.
Figure 17
: Seiko XH414H-IV01E Charge Characteristics
3.9. Serial interfaces
The module provides three serial ports: UART Port, Debug Port and Auxiliary UART Port. The
module is designed as a DCE (Data Communication Equipment), following the traditional
DCE-DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) connection. Autobauding function supports baud rate from
4800bps to 115200bps.
The UART Port:
TXD: Send data to RXD of DTE.
RXD: Receive data from TXD of DTE.
RTS: Request to send.
CTS: Clear to send.
DTR: DTE is ready and inform DCE (this pin can wake the module up).
RI: Ring indicator (when the call, SMS, data of the module are coming, the module will
output signal to inform DTE).
DCD: Data carrier detection (the validity of this pin demonstrates the communication link is
set up).
Note: The module disables hardware flow control by default. When hardware flow control is
required, RTS and CTS should be connected to the host. AT command “AT+IFC=2,2” is used to
enable hardware flow control. AT command “AT+IFC=0,0” is used to disable the hardware
flow control. For more details, please refer to the document [1].