Quectel GT200 Quick Start Download Page 1

GT200 Quick Start 

For SW Version B02 


Basic Operation 

Find “GT200 Manager Tool Ver2.00.exe” 
in develop suit and run it to configure 
the running parameters of GT200.  
Please refer to 

Page 2 

for detail.


Better  place  the  GT200 
under the open sky, and let 
the top side to the sky.


Turn On GT200


Find  “PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v10518.zip” 
in develop suit and install the drive for PL2303. If 
you have already installed it please go to 

Step 6



Check The Appearance


Check Parts List


Install SIM Card


To mini USB


To computer


Here is GPS Antenna


The USB  Data_Cable_M is 
not  in  the  delivery  list. 
Please contact your vendor 
for it.


Power Key 

Connect GT200 to computer by USB 


Before the first time using GT200, 
please full charge the battery







