Creating a thing in AWS IoT Core
Do not create things until you have verified the advisory and alert email addresses that you
supplied during AnyNet IRIS configuration. Receiving a verification link may take up to 30
minutes. If you have not received an email, contact Eseye Support:
Before you begin
• Ensure that the AnyNet Secure Cellular Connectivity configuration process is complete on
your AWS account.
• Eseye connects your thing to AWS over a cellular network. To purchase the requisite SIM
cards, search for
• You need a AnyNet Secure SIM number, which is the unique serial number printed on the
back of the SIM card.
To create a thing in AWS IoT Core:
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console:
2. In the
AWS Services
section, find the
IoT Core
3. In the left-hand
menu, select
Eseye-enabled Quectel BG96 module Developer Guide v1.8
Creating a thing in AWS IoT Core