PiXtend eIO Hardware Manual
2.3. Technical Condition
Every PiXtend eIO device, regardless of its variant, is delivered with a defined
PiXtend eIO Digital One
All digital inputs are configured for the 24 V range
(no jumper plugged in)
Address: 1, baud rate: 19,200 baud, parity bit: even, stop bits: 1 (8E1)
Termination inactive, Mode / Protocol: Modbus RTU
The microcontroller firmware always complies with the latest version released by
Qube Solutions. The current version and information about changes ("changelog")
can be found on our
PiXtend eIO Analog One
All analog voltage inputs are configured for the 0..10 V range
(no jumper plugged in)
Address: 3, baud rate: 19,200 baud, parity bit: even, stop bits: 1 (8E1)
Termination inactive, Mode / Protocol: Modbus RTU
The microcontroller firmware always complies with the latest version released by
Qube Solutions. The current version and information about changes ("changelog")
can be found on our
Each device can be ordered in two different versions / variants:
Basic version without housing
Professional version with stainless steel hood and DIN rail housing
If you require a different version or a different hardware and software combination, please
send your request directly to us (
Copyright by Qube Solutions GmbH
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