Opus One
7. Seal the NW25 Pump/Ventport using the NW25 o-ring, cap, and clamp.
8. Wait until the temperature of the Stage 2 thermometer indicates the system is at its “base”
temperature (typically below 2.5 K). The cool-down takes approximately three (3) hours
from the time the compressor is turned on.
9. The Opus One devices are now ready to be used. Refer to Section
4.2 Warm Up Procedure
Ensure the system has been turned off for a minimum of 12 hours before opening the vent
valve or making changes to any of the high-pressure helium line connections. Unsafe
conditions can be created if the system is vented or the helium lines are disconnected
from the compressor or Opus One unit while either internal temperature is much below
room temperature.
To warm the system, turn off the compressor. If using a water-cooled compressor, the water
cooling can be turned off at this time as well.