Main menu
To start the work, one should select the car and the system to work with. All the
car brands are divided into regions (Europe, Americas, Asia, etc.). Please, double
click the left mouse button on the icon and choose the option you need, for exam-
ple, the car brand or the car model.
The right field of the “Menu” section contains information on car brands which
have been activated, the left one contains the activation time and more detailed
data on the car selected.
After the car model is selected, one can either search for units automatically or
choose necessary ECU (Electronic Control Unit) manually.
After the connection to Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is made, the program will
display the ECU identity. These data are necessary to determine the software and
hardware versions, control units calibration versions. The identity data contain ad-
ditional information, necessary to test this control unit correctly.