Quick Start Guide
MK-BL-0004 REV 01 Q Quick Start Guide 1018
Hardware and Software Installation
Screw in the Bluetooth antenna; or connect the instrument using the USB cable
Connect the power supply to the instrument and turn the instrument on
A blue light on the front of the instrument illuminates to indicate it is powered on
Install the Q-qPCR software from provided USB key
The USB key also contains an electronic copy of the user manual
Open the Q-qPCR software
The instrument will be automatically detected and appear in the top right corner
Reaction Setup
Load reactions into the pre-racked tubes and use the Capping Tool to help fitting caps properly
Insert the Tubes into the rotor, ensuring the tab is aligned with the marks on the rotor
To achieve optimum temperature uniformity, it is very important to
insert tubes loaded with water (at reaction volume) into all of the
unused positions on the rotor.
See reverse for more details.
Secure the tubes into the rotor with the Tube Clamp
Starting a Run
Select New Run from the toolbar
Add () an assay to the run from the assay list
Additional assays are easily created by selecting New Assay from the toolbar
Click on the instrument (top right of toolbar) and select Start Run
Confirm the reaction volume is correct and select Start
A green light on the front of the instrument will indicate the run has begun
Before analysis, fill in the sample information on the Sample page
Drag and drop the assay for each well onto the sample editor
Assays are used to link samples together for later analysis
Select the required analysis to the run from the options provided
High Resolution Melt (optional)
Absolute Quantification (indicates Standard Curve)
Allelic Discrimination
Relative Quantification
Select the target to analyze and configure the parameters as required