After a Tape Library System (TLS) is serviced in the field, there are three types of
failures that might occur when power is reapplied: Power Up and Initialization, Op-
eration, or Calibration. This chapter lists the possible failures that might occur in
each category and also the possible causes for each type of problem. Should a problem
occur after the TLS is serviced, use this chapter to quickly identify and remedy the
Important: Some problems will result in an alert message on the LCD display, followed by a ten-
digit number. Our technical support department will need this number to diagnose the problem
if you contact them. So always, record this number, along with the general context of the prob-
Troubleshooting Index
No motion occurs, the control panel display does not light up and the machine
makes a regular, clicking sound. ......................................................................................6.1.1
No motion occurs, the control panel display does not light up and the machine
is quiet. ..............................................................................................................................6.1.2
The control panel display lights up but does not show text and nothing moves...........6.1.3
The control panel display lights up and shows text, no errors are displayed,
but nothing moves. ............................................................................................................6.1.4
The Handler moves normally, but the control panel display remains dark and
shows no text......................................................................................................................6.1.5
The Handler moves normally, the control panel display shows text, but the
control panel display remains dark..................................................................................6.1.6
The Handler moves normally and the control panel display illuminates, but it
does not show text..............................................................................................................6.1.7
The alert
Bcr Failure
appears in the control panel display. ......................................6.1.8
The alert
Yhome Fail
appears on the control panel display, and the Carriage
does not reach the bottom of its vertical travel. ..............................................................6.1.9
The alert
YHome Fail
appears on the control panel display, after the Carriage
reaches the bottom of its vertical travel.........................................................................6.1.10
The alert
Ioport Jammed
appears on the control panel display, and you do
not hear a whining sound for several seconds before the alert occurs.........................6.1.11
The alert
Ioport Jammed
appears on the control panel display, and you do
hear a whining sound for several seconds before the alert occurs. ..............................6.1.12
The message
Needs Calibration
appears on the control panel display. ................6.1.13
The alert
Carousel Jammed
appears on the control panel display, and the
Carousel motor does not rotate or make any noise. ......................................................6.1.14
501380 Rev. B