4.3 Maintenance\Display Log\Display\Entry Menu
Clean: OFF
Configuration: OFF
DriveBay: OFF
Executive: OFF
I2c: OFF
Inventory: OFF
Ioport OFF
RBT Actions: OFF
RBT Client: OFF
RBT Events: OFF
RBT Machines: OFF
RBT Operations:OFF
RBT States: OFF
SCSI Commands: ON
SCSI Interrupt:OFF
SCSI Phases: OFF
SCSI States: OFF
Sequential: OFF
The information in the data log is frozen when the user enters the Entry menu.
No events are logged while the Entry menu is displayed. However, the system
does track the number of events that would have been logged, while the Entry
menu was displayed, and then adds that number as a log entry when the user ex-
its the Entry menu. This tells the user how many events occurred while the Entry
menu was displayed.
To view the Entry menu, press the ENTER key while the Maintenance\Display
Status screen is displayed. The Display Log\Entry menu is the same as the Dis-
play Log menu, except that the Entry and the At items have been added and the
CLEAR and UNLOCK commands have been deleted.
Each log entry is numbered. The Entry item in the Display Log\Entry menu al-
lows the user to see which numbered log entry is currently being viewed. Op-
tionally, the user may edit the Entry value to enter the number of the desired log
entry and display the corresponding log entry. Since the log may contain a great
many entries, directly selecting a log entry by number can eliminate unneces-
sary scrolling through the data log.
Use the Configuration menu to control which classes of information get logged. Since the data
log memory size is fixed, turning off unwanted data classes frees up log memory space for the
data classes that the user wishes to log. Refer to the Configuration\Advanced\Log section in the
TLS-4000 Installation and Operation Manual (Qualstar document number
501380 Rev. B