E l e c t r o n i c T e m p e r a t u r e M o n i t o r
1 2
Fan Exerciser
Fan Exerciser
Fan Exerciser
Fan Exerciser
If enabled, the Fan Exerciser will turn the fans ON for the exerciser run time at
time intervals set during the ETM configuration. Timing starts with a run time
interval when power is applied to the unit or when the unit is reset. Thus if the
run time is set for one minute, the fans will be on for one minute after power is
turned on.
Fan Bank Switching
Fan Bank Switching
Fan Bank Switching
Fan Bank Switching
If enabled, the Fan Bank Switching will swap the setpoints of Fan #1 and Fan #2
after each actuation. For example: Fan #1 setpoint is set below that of Fan #2.
The temperature goes up and Fan #1 actuates, the temperature goes down. The
temperature goes up again and this time Fan #2 actuates at the Fan #1 setpoint
and Fan #2 actuates at the Fan #1 setpoint. The next cycle Fan #1 again operates
before Fan #2. This evens the wear on the Fan #1 and Fan #2 motors and