Attaching a Loudspeaker to an Array Frame for a Ground Stack
1. After securing the Array Frame and Stack Adapter Kit to the surface where the stack will be deployed, set the Locking Levers on
both sides of the loudspeaker to the middle (ADD+) position.
2. Hook both Front Strikes of the loudspeaker onto the Front Hooks of the Array Frame.
3. Lower the back side of the loudspeaker until the Angle Arm latches onto the Rear Hook of the loudspeaker on both sides, making a
click sound.
4. Push Locking Levers down (LOCK) to secure loudspeaker on both sides.
— Figure 39 —
Detaching a Loudspeaker from an Array Frame for a Ground Stack
1. Set the Locking Levers on both sides of the loudspeaker to the up (REMOVE) position.
2. Lift backside of the loudspeaker away from the Angle Arms.
3. Lift loudspeaker off Array Frame Front Hooks to fully detach.
— Figure 40 —
Stacking an Array of Loudspeakers for a Ground Stack
1. After securing the first loudspeaker to the Array Frame and stack adapter, set the Locking Levers on both sides of the new
loudspeaker to the middle (ADD+) position.
2. Hook both Front Strikes of the new loudspeaker onto the Front Hooks of the loudspeaker mounted to the pole.
3. Lower the back side of the loudspeaker until the new loudspeaker connects with the loudspeaker mounted to the pole, making a
click sound.
4. Push Locking Levers down (LOCK) to secure the new loudspeaker on both sides.
5. Repeat steps 1-4, until array is complete.