S 1 14,035,00 L
The top row of the display shows the currently active VFO frequency as usual.
The bottom row shows a “1” in the 4
character, this is the number of the preset displayed. The
next number (here 14,035,00) is the frequency stored in Preset 1.
Use the rotary encoder to scroll through the list of presets until you find the one you want. Once
you have selected the desired preset, press one of the three buttons to Save, Cancel or Load the
preset, as follows:
SAVE the current VFO to the selected preset, by pressing the “Select” button
CANCEL the preset operation (back to main operating mode), by pressing “Rotary” button
LOAD the selected preset frequency into the current VFO, by pressing the “Exit” button
The “S” in the first character and “L” in the 16
character at the far right, are intended as a
reminder of which button to press to Save and to Load.
3.7 Automated message transmission mode
My favourite use of the automated message transmission mode is to send a CQ call repeatedly. If
a station answers, you can tap the key to cancel the message sending mode, then transmit.
There are 12 message memories. The first four memories are 100 characters long; the remaining
eight memories are 50 characters long.
In order to send a pre-saved message, press the “Rotary” button with a single long press. The first
of the saved messages is shown on the screen, for example if a CQ call is stored in Message 1,
you may have something like this:
The bottom row shows the message number at the far left (here it is message 1) followed by the
first part of the stored message. If it is blank, that means of course that you have not stored any
messages yet!
You can now use the rotary encoder to scroll back and forth between the 12 stored messages and
find the one which you want to transmit.
The message can be transmitted multiple times according to the “Repeats” parameter in the
Messages menu (see later description). The interval between the repeated transmissions is also
defined in the Messages menu, in the “Interval” parameter.
Once you have selected the message that you want to transmit, press one of the three buttons as
REPEAT: Transmit the message repeatedly by pressing the “Select” button
ONCE: Transmit the message only once by pressing the “Rotary” button
CANCEL: Cancel the messages operation by pressing the “Exit” button
QCX operating manual, firmware 1.07, manual edit 0.03