QOD Golf International Limited, Eagle Compac EU SARL and Oceania Lifestyle
Distribution and its associated companies strictly enforces protection in their
products and legal enforcement will be made on infringement on their protected
areas mandatorily. The products have been designed protected, copyright
protected and patent protected internationally including the following countries:
European Countries, USA, Canada, China, Australia and Australasia.
As of the high product exposure this is an acknowledgement that the product
purchased will be safe and free from any infringement type on all GOD Golf
International products.
QOD Golf International product designs are exclusive property of their
respective authors and must not be reproduced or used without their express
consent and any partial or total reproduction of the content is strictly
Copyright Protection – QOD Golf International, Eagle Compac SARL and
Oceania Lifestyle Distribution and its associated companies individually or
collectable are the exclusive owner of all right, title and interest, including all
intellectual property rights, in the Works;
Design Protection - The holder of a registered design right has the exclusive
right to authorize or prohibit others from using the design in any way,
notably by producing, importing, selling or using products based on the
Patent Protection - Covers the ornamental design for an object having practical
utility. An object with a design that is substantially similar to the design claimed
in a design patent cannot be made, used, copied or imported. The copy does not
have to be exact for the patent to be infringed. It only has to be substantially
By breaching any of the copyright, patent and design protection QOD Golf
International will withhold the rights to enforce legal action at that time.
QOD Golf International. www.qodgolf.com
Warning: Product Patent Protected, Design Protected, Copyright Protected. All rights Reserved