QOD Golf International. www.qodgolf.com
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Immediately after you finish your game of golf or whenever you park your
caddy for an extended period of time, please turn off your caddy or
disconnect the battery to the caddy to ensure that your caddy is not
turned on accidently by someone if, for example, they move your caddy to
pass where you have it parked. A caddy left in the “pause” state can easily
be switched on by someone if they accidently press the button that takes
the caddy off pause.
Be in reaching distance of the caddy AT ALL TIMES during operation in
order to prevent any loss of control or tipping over. This pertains
especially near bodies of water, creeks, bridges, public traffic or other
hazards, or going up or down steep hills. Also make sure that you park the
caddy securely once you walk away from it. The warranty will not cover
any damage or accidents caused by careless operation of the equipment
or loss of control of the unit.
Be alert and act responsibly AT ALL TIMES while operating your caddy, just
as you would when operating a riding cart, motor vehicle, or any other
type of machinery. We absolutely do not recommend the consumption of
alcohol or any other impairing substances while operating the QOD. IF you
are taking any form of medication, confirm with your doctor that you are
safe to operate an electric golf caddy before using the caddy.
Please avoid or minimize operation on hard and rough surfaces, such as
cart paths, asphalt roads, gravel roads, roots, etc., as this will cause
unnecessary wear and tear on tires, wheels and other components. The
caddy is best operated on soft and smooth surfaces such as fairways.
For best performance, heavier cart bags are recommended.
DO NOT pull the caddy behind a golf cart or other vehicle. Doing so is
likely to cause motor damage or crashes.
DO NOT direct QOD towards people or other carts.
DO NOT use the battery for any other purpose other than using it to drive
the golf caddy.