2. Go to "Target Management" and create iSCSI targets on the NAS. If you have not
created any iSCSI targets, the Quick Installation Wizard will automatically be
launched and prompt users to create iSCSI targets and LUNs. Click "OK".
3. Select to create an iSCSI target with a mapped LUN, an iSCSI target only, or an
iSCSI LUN only. Click "Next."
4. Create iSCSI target with a mapped LUN.
5. Click "Next."
6. Enter the target name and target alias. You can check the options "Data Digest"
and/or "Header Digest" (optional). These are the parameters that the iSCSI initiator
will be verified when it attempts to connect to the iSCSI target.
7. Enter the CHAP authentication settings. If you enter the username and password
settings under "Use CHAP authentication" only, only the iSCSI target authenticates
the initiator, i.e. the initiators have to enter the username and password settings
here to access the target.
Mutual CHAP: Enable this option for two-way authentication between the iSCSI target
and the initiator. The target authenticates the initiator using the first set of username
and password. The initiator authenticates the target using the "Mutual CHAP" settings.
F ie ld
Us e rna m e lim ita tion
Pa s s word lim ita tion
The only valid characters
are 0-9, a-z, A-Z
Maximum length: 256
The only valid characters
are 0-9, a-z, A-Z
Maximum length: 12-16
Mutual CHAP
The only valid characters
are 0-9, a-z, A-Z, :
(colon), . (dot), and -
Maximum length: 12-16
The only valid characters
are 0-9, a-z, A-Z, :
(colon), . (dot), and -
Maximum length: 12-16
C re a ting iSC SI LUNs
An iSCSI LUN is a logical volume mapped to the iSCSI target. Select one of the
following modes to allocate disk space to the LUN: