E na ble Se c ure C onne c tion (H TTPS):
Allows users to connect to the NAS by
HTTPS. Enable secure connection (HTTPS) and enter the port number. If the option
"Force secure connection (HTTPS) only" is enabled, users can only connect to the
web administration page by HTTPS.
Dis a ble a nd hide the hom e /m ultim e dia fe a ture s s uc h a s Photo Sta tion, M us ic
Sta tion, Surv e illa nc e Sta tion, Downloa d Sta tion, iTune s s e rv e r, a nd DLNA
m e dia s e rv e r:
Multimedia features, including Photo Station, Music Station, Video
Station (both 2.0 and 1.0.5), Surveillance Station, Download Station, DJ Station,
iTunes server, Media Library and DLNA media server, may be hidden or disabled by
default on the following NAS models: x70U, x79 Pro, x79U. To enable the multimedia
features for those models, uncheck this option.
Tim e
B a s ic tim e s e ttings :
Adjust the date, time, and time zone according to the
location of the NAS. If the settings are incorrect, the following problems may occur:
When using a web browser to connect to the NAS or save a file, the display time
of the action will be incorrect.
The time of the event logs will be inconsistent with the actual time when an
action occurs.
M a nua l Se tting:
To synchronize the time of the NAS with the computer time, click
"Update now" next to this option.
Sy nc hronize with a n Inte rne t tim e s e rv e r a utom a tic a lly :
Enable this option to
synchronize the date and time of the NAS automatically with an NTP (Network Time
Protocol) server. Enter the IP address or domain name of the NTP server, for
example, time.nist.gov, time.windows.com. Then enter the time interval for
synchronization. This option can be used only when the NAS is connected to the
Note :
First time synchronization may take several minutes to complete.
Da y light Sa v ing Tim e
If your region uses daylight saving time (DST), enable "Adjust system clock automatically
for daylight saving time" and click "Apply". The latest DST schedule of the time zone
specified in the "Time" section will be shown. The system time will be adjusted