7.14 TFTP Server
Configure the NAS as a TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) server for configuration
management of network devices and remote network booting of computers for system
imaging or recovery. TFTP is a file transfer protocol with the functionality of a very
basic form of FTP. TFTP does not provide user authentication and cannot be connected
to using a standard FTP client.
Follow these steps to use this feature:
1. Select "Enable TFTP Server".
2. The default UDP port for file transfer is 69 and you should only change it if
3. Specify a folder on the NAS as the root directory of the TFTP server.
4. Enable TFTP Logging: Enable this option and specify the directory to save the TFTP
log file (opentftpd.log.) It is recommended to view the log file using Microsoft Excel
or WordPad on Windows OS or by TextEdit on Mac OS.
5. Assign read only or full access to the clients.
6. Restrict the TFTP client access by specifying the IP address range or select
"Anywhere" to allow any TFTP client access.
7. Click "Apply".
Note :
To set up PXE with your NAS, please use a static IP for your NAS, enable its