7.12 Antivirus
Configure antivirus features on this page.
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Antivirus: Use the antivirus to scan the NAS manually or on recurring schedules. It
will delete, quarantine, or report files infected by viruses, malware, Trojans, and
other malicious threats. To use this feature, select "Enable antivirus" and click
Update: Select "Check and update automatically" and specify the intervals in days
to automatically update the antivirus definitions. Click "Update Now" to check for
new antivirus definitions and to update if necessary. Users can also download
updated definitions from http://www.clamav.net and manually update the antivirus
definitions. The NAS must be connected to the Internet to use this feature.
Quarantine: View the quarantine information of the disk volumes on the NAS. For
more details, go to "Applications" > "Antivirus" > "Quarantine".
Note :
The antivirus engine selector next to the "Enable antivirus" checkbox is only
available after an antivirus App has been installed from the App Center
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