advanced settings of OpenVPN.
OpenVPN on Linux
1. Download OpenVPN from http://openvpn.net/index.php
2. Install the OpenVPN client on Linux.
3. Download the OpenVPN configuration file and certificate from the NAS
("Applications" > "VPN Server" > "VPN Server Settings" > "OpenVPN Settings".)
4. Edit openvpn.ovpn and replace "OPENVPN_SERVER_IP" with the OpenVPN server IP.
5. Put "ca.crt" and "openvpn.ovpn" into the configuration folder under the OpenVPN
configuration subdirectory.
6. Run OpenVPN.
OpenVPN on Mac
1. Download the disk image of OpenVPN client from http://code.google.com/p/
2. Launch Tunnelblick.
3. Download the OpenVPN configuration file and certificate from the NAS
("Applications" > "VPN Service" > "VPN Server Settings" > "OpenVPN Settings".)
4. Edit openvpn.ovpn and replace OPENVPN_SERVER_IP (alfred.myqnapnas.com) with
OpenVPN server IP.
5. Put "ca.crt" and "openvpn.ovpn" into the configuration folder under the OpenVPN
configuration subdirectory.
6. Run OpenVPN.
Priv ile ge Se ttings
Select the VPN users and specify their privileges.
Add V PN us e rs
Click "Add VPN Users" and follow the wizard to select the system users and set their
Note :
Only local users are currently allowed to use the VPN service.
De le te V PN us e rs
Click "Delete" to remove the VPN users. The users will not be able to connect to the
VPN service after being deleted.