Follow these steps to mount an ISO file on the NAS:
1. Login to the NAS as an administrator. Go to "Share Folders" > "Create". Click "Create
an ISO Share".
2. Select an ISO image file on the NAS. Click "Next".
3. The image file will be mounted as a shared folder of the NAS. Enter the folder name.
4. Specify the access rights of NAS users or user groups to the shared folder. You can
also select "Deny Access" or "Read only" for the guest access right. Click "Next".
5. Confirm the settings and click "Next".
6. Click "Finish".
7. After mounting the image file, you can specify access rights for the users over
different network protocols such as SMB, AFP, NFS, and WebDAV by clicking the
Access Permission icon in the "Action" column.
The NAS supports mounting ISO image files and you can preview them using File Station.
Refer to the File Station
chapter for more details.
Note :
ARM-based NAS models do not support using Cyrillic characters for the name of a
subfolder in an ISO shared folder (the name will be incorrectly displayed if a
subfolder is created with a Cyrillic name.) Please name the subfolder with a
different language before an ISO file is created.
For Mac OSX, mounting a folder that contains the # character in the folder name
through WebDAV is not supported. Please rename the folder before mounting it if
F olde r Aggre ga tion
You can aggregate the shared folders on Microsoft network as a portal folder on the NAS
and let NAS users access the folders through your NAS. Up to 10 folders can be linked to
a portal folder. To use this function, follow these steps:
1. Enable folder aggregation.
2. Click "Create A Portal Folder".
3. Enter the portal folder name. Select to hide the folder or not, and enter an optional
comment for the portal folder.
4. Click the "Link Configuration" button under "Action" and enter the remote folder
settings. Make sure the folders are open for public access.
5. Upon successful connection, you can connect to the remote folders through the