Note :
To allow the UPS device to send SNMP alerts to the NAS in the event of
power loss, you may have to enter the NAS IP address in the UPS configuration
B e ha v ior of the UPS F e a ture of the NAS
There are three phases during a power outage:
Phase 1: Power loss starts until the end of the waiting time.
Phase 2: From the end of the waiting time to the point when the UPS device runs
out of its battery.
Phase 3: After the UPS device runs out of its battery and until the power restores.
Pha s e 1:
As soon as the power loss starts, the NAS will detect the UPS device’s battery. If the
remaining UPS battery charge is < 15%, the system will automatically turn itself off or
enter auto-protection mode (depending on your settings) after 30 seconds regardless
the time you specified for either of the settings (turn off the NAS or enter auto
protection mode.) If the UPS battery charge is > 15%, the NAS will wait for the specified
time you entered in the "UPS" page.
If the power resumes during this phase, the NAS will remain in operation.
Pha s e 2:
Depending on your setting on the "UPS" page:
If in auto-protection mode, the NAS will stop all running services and unmount all
volumes. The NAS at this moment will become inaccessible.
If the NAS is powered off, it will remain off.
If the power resumes during this phase:
If in auto-protection mode, the NAS will reboot and resume its previous state.
If the NAS is powered off, it will remain off.
Pha s e 3:
Depending on your setting on the "UPS" page:
If in auto-protection mode, the NAS will lose its power and shut down.
If the NAS is powered off, it will remain off.