4.9 Backup/Restore
Go to "Control Panel" > "System Settings" > "Backup/Restore" to back up, restore your
NAS or restore your NAS to factory default settings.
B a c kup/Re s tore Se ttings
B a c k up Sy s te m Se ttings :
To back up all the settings, including the user
accounts, server name, network configuration and so on, click "Backup" and select
to open or save the setting file. Settings will be backed up include: User, Group,
Shared Folder, Workgroup, Domain, and LDAP, Windows File Service, Mac File
Service, NFS, FTP, WebDAV, Network Backup, User Home, Password Settings,
SNMP, and Backup Service.
Re s tore Sy s te m Se ttings :
To restore all the settings, click "Browse" to select a
previously saved setting file and click "Restore".
Note :
User Home includes basic service settings (excluding user data in the user home
If the users or groups you try to restore from the backup file already exist in the
current system, the users and groups in the current system will be overwritten.