4.7 Notification
Go to "Control Panel" > "System Settings" > "Notification" to configure NAS notifications.
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The NAS supports email alerts to inform the administrator of system errors and warnings.
To receive alerts by email, configure the SMTP server.
Select an email account: specify the type of email account you would like to use
for email alerts.
SMTP Server: Enter the SMTP server name (for example: smtp.gmail.com.)
Port Number: Enter the port number for the SMTP server. The default port number
is 25.
E-mail: Enter the email address of the alert recipient.
Username and Password: Enter the email account's login information.
Secure connection: Choose SSL or TLS to ensure a secure connection between the
NAS and SMTP server or None. It is recommended to use this if the SMTP server
supports it.
Alert Notification: Select the type of instant alerts the NAS will send when system
events (warnings/errors) occur. A maximum of two email addresses can be specified
to receive alerts from the NAS.