Go to "Control Panel" > "Privilege Settings" > "Users" > click "Create" (or go to
"Qsync Central Station 2.0" > "Users" > "Create a User".)
Only NAS administrators can create accounts.
2. Downloa ding Q s y nc C lie nt
Follow the instructions on the "Overview" page to download the utility (log into the
NAS > click "Qsync Central Station 2.0" on the NAS Desktop > "Overview" page,) or
directly download the utility from the QNAP website: "Support" > "Download" >
For computers, download the Qsync Client utility (only available for Windows.)
For mobile devices, download and install Qfile from the iOS or Android app stores.
3. Se tting up Q s y nc C lie nt
Launch the installer and follow these steps to set up the Qsync Client:
1. To locate the NAS within a LAN, simply click "Search" or key in its IP address or
name (e.g. IP address: or To connect to a remote NAS
(over the Internet) use your myQNAPcloud address (e.g. [email protected].)
2. Enter the NAS login username and password.
3. Set up the Qsync local folder on your PC.
4. Assign a name to identify the local PC for the Qsync server.
5. Click "Apply" .
6. Pair a local folder with the shared folder on the NAS.
Note :
If the NAS connection ports have been changed, please append the port
number to the IP address; otherwise only enter an IP address. (Default port
number: 8080)
Sta rting Q s y nc C lie nt
Double click the Qsync shortcut in Windows to open the Qsync local folder. Click the
Qsync Client icon on the taskbar to bring up the menu. If you copy/move files to the
local Qsync folder on one of your devices, the files will be synced with all the other
devices (devices with the Qsync Client installed that are connected to the NAS.) From
now on, there is no need to copy files back-and-forth between your PC and these
other devices or worry about the size of files as you try to attach them to an email.
Sy nc hroniza tion