6.6 Network Recycle Bin
The Network Recycle Bin retains files deleted on the NAS. Within each shared folder, a
dedicated folder with the name @Recycle is created after the initial QTS installation.
Specify the number of days (1-180) to retain files and the daily time. You can also
specify the file extensions to be excluded from the bin. This feature only supports file
deletion via Samba, AFP, FTP and File Station.
Us ing Ne twork Re c y c le B in
To delete all the files in the bin, click "Empty All Network Recycle Bin".
To recover deleted files from the Network Recycle Bin, right click on the files in the
@Recycle folder and select "RECOVER".
To permanently delete a file in the recycle bin, right click on the file in the
@Recycle folder and select "Del (from recycle)".
To empty the recycle bin for an individual shared folder, right click inside the
recycle bin and select "Empty Recycle Bin".
Re s tric ting Ac c e s s to Ne twork Re c y c le B in
The Network Recycle Bin can be restricted to administrators usage by going to "Control
Panel" > "Privilege Settings" > "Shared Folders". Click "Property" under "Action" for the
shared folder to be configured and check "Restrict the access of Recycle Bin to
administrators only for now".