C o m p e t i t i v e b r i e f
DDR HCA Advantage
HPC Applications Show Best Performance with QLogic DDR HCAs
industry Challenges
As high performance computer clusters grow to address
problems of increasing complexity in market segments like
oil and gas, education, and computational fluid dynamics,
the communication requirements between processing nodes
increase dramatically. this increase creates more messaging
traffic, making HCA interconnect performance crucial.
performance of adapters used in HpC clusters/nodes is measured
by means of five key metrics: point-to-point latency, bandwidth,
and message rate; scalable latency, and scalable message rate.
Adapters that perform well on all of these key metrics allow
processing of designs and simulations in less time, resulting in
optimal efficiency and better profitability for the end user.
QLogic DDR HCA Advantage
performance that Scales
QLogic provides the best DDr adapter solution
for mpi based applications. table 1 compares
key metrics for HCA performance for QLogic and
mellanox. Note that QLogic has the best message
rate and scalable latency in the industry.
power efficiency with extended Warranty
QLogic’s HCA simplified design uses less on-board
components and therefore consumes less than
6.0W (typical). QLogic HCAs are backed with a
three-year warranty at no extra charge.
best Linux Software Support of any HCA
Driver distribution is part of ofeD and is also
included in the Linux
distribution kernel.org.
QLogic provides full software support.
Competitor's Shortfalls
mellanox’s HCAs Do Not Scale Linearly
mellanox and QLogic’s HCA were tested in both medium
and large clusters. Unlike QLe72
adapters, as processing
nodes were added to the cluster, the message rate for the
mellanox HCAs did not scale.
power Hungry Design with Limited Warranty
the mellanox HCA adapter uses more components than the
QLogic DDr adapter and consumes almost twice the power
(11.6W). the standard mellanox warranty is one year.
Limited real-time Linux Software Support
mellanox software driver bug fixes rely on the support of the
open source community. fixes are incorporated when ofeD
adopts the new software.
Key metric
0 DDr
x8 | x16
ConnectX™ DDr
Gen1 | Gen2
1.50 | 1.95 Gbps
1.55 | 1.90 Gbps
19 | 26
millions of
messages per second
8 ppn
6 | 6
millions of
messages per second
4 ppn (worse at 8 ppn)
1.3 µs
2.3 µs
Table 1. QLogic vs. Mellanox, Key Metrics