PVI PV 6115 Specifications Download Page 1

PV 6115  6/03 


Power Combustion, Gas/Oil Fired Water Heaters with Polymer-Lined Storage Tanks 



Furnish and install 


® gas/oil water heater(s) as manufactured by PVI Industries, L.L.C. 

of Fort Worth, Texas.  Supply quantities and model numbers as indicated on the plumbing schedule. 

Gas and Electrical Consumption 


The water heater will operate at a minimum of 83% thermal efficiency when tested by an independent laboratory to 

ANSI Z21.10.3.   The water heater will comply with paragraph, the thermal efficiency, the standby loss, and all 
other requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-1999. 

Pressure Vessel and Heating Surfaces 



The water heater will be constructed and stamped in accordance with Section IV, Part HLW of the ASME code.   


The storage section of the water heater will be National Board Registered for a working pressure of  ____ 125 psi 

(standard) or ____ 150 psi and will be pressure tested at 1-1/2 times working pressure.  The heating section of the water 
heater will be National Board Registered for a working pressure of 150 psi and will be pressure tested at 1-1/2 times 
working pressure.   

The heat exchanger will be a firetube design with the combustion chamber and all heating surfaces completely 

water-backed.  The fireside of the combustion chamber will be of boiler-grade steel.  The waterside of the combustion 
chamber will be non-ferrous. The fire tubes will be solid copper.  The heating surfaces will be removable by unbolting 
from the pressure vessel, allowing 100% access to waterside surfaces.  The tank will be accessible in the field through a 
manway sized opening, allowing access to 100% of interior surfaces.  All tank connection fittings will be nonferrous and 
removable from the tank.   


Tank Lining 


entire lining will: 



be applied only after the tank is completely fabricated and all welding is completed. 

be a thermoplastic polymer that is NSF 61 approved and consist of FDA compliant materials. 

consist of multiple applications creating a continuous and nonporous barrier with no interruptions or 

discontinuities, particularly at the tank-to-fitting transitions. 

be confirmed after all welding is completed to be 100% void-free by the ASTM D-5162 wet electrode standard.  



have a dielectric resistance of 1600 volts per mil.  




The lined tank will not require anode rods and none will be used. 

Water heaters that use anode rods in a vessel that 

contains non-ferrous heating surfaces will not be acceptable.



Burner and Venting 



Combustion will be provided by a forced-draft power burner with a gas and oil train meeting the following agency 

requirement for the input specified: 


___ UL (standard) 

___ FM   

___ IRI   

___ Other ______________________ 




