DeltaTherm IR Cure Module
Revision B
February 2020
Page 16 of 41
Machine Safety Check
When the machine is started, it must initialize. After it has initialized successfully, the
operator interface shows the following screen:
Figure 9: PVA Screen
The machine safety check ensures that the DeltaTherm IR Cure Module safety devices
(emergency stop, door interlocks, etc.) operate correctly. For the startup procedure, the
operator must start and complete the safety check successfully. After you start the safety
check, you must activate and deactivate the safety devices. Some safety checks are timed
and will cause a failure if the action is not done in the set time.
Shutdown Procedure
Do the following procedure to shut down the cure module.
Wait for all boards to clear the cure module.
on the OIT. Wait for the PVA screen to appear.
Wait one minute for the module to cool. The exhaust fan will be on.
Turn the main power switch to
Make sure you remove all parts before you shut down the cure module.
CAUTION: If you plan to perform maintenance during the shutdown, be sure to lock
out and tag the machine.